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Writer's pictureAmrutha Kuduva

Stem Projects Canada: Inspiring Young Minds at Canada Wide Science Fair 2023

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

Hi folks, Amrutha here (Product Designer at ProjectBoard) to share a story about my amazing experience at Canada-Wide Science Fair in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada! Get ready to be blown away by the incredible talent and passion of young scientists. I had the unique opportunity to attend this event and it was not only a blast, but I learned that our future is in great hands!

Winners on stage at the CWSF 2023 Event

The fair was bustling with hundreds of students, parents, and children, all eager to showcase their projects and learn from each other. I was blown away by the enthusiasm and dedication of these young scientists. Over 220 students exhibited remarkable projects, with creativity and ingenuity that left me in awe.

As I walked around the fair, I couldn't help but be drawn to the eye-catching projects with intriguing titles, colourful images and diagrams of all sorts and see displays also included physical models or devices.

Students presenting their poster on Investigating the abilities of plants to reduce the impact of wildfires

The real highlight of my visit was interacting with the students and learning about their projects. These young scientists were articulate and passionate, with a very strong grasp of very complex subject matter. Their problem-solving and advanced thinking skills were remarkable given their age (really any age for that matter!).

Students presenting their post on Walk your Butt to the Can

I was particularly impressed by a group of seventh-grade girls who created an incredible project focused on eavronemtnal conservation. Their project highlighted the importance of addressing cigarette pollution, which, as learned, is really a significant problem worldwide, affecting both humans and wildlife. Project Link

Student presenting their poster on Recreating a Tumour Microenvironment

Another project that caught my else was that of a young girl who displayed an immense eagerness to learn about cancer research and exploring possibilities for patenting and ultimately commercializing her project. Her dedication and passion to tackling this critical issue is truly commendable. Project Link

But the excitement didn't stop there! After exploring these and many other fascinating projects, it was time for the gala lunch and award ceremony. During lunch, I got the opportunity to meet the judges and sponsors of YSC and had interesting conversations about their experiences, and what motivates them to contribute time and effort to YSC. After lunch, we headed to the grand award ceremony where I had the incredible honor of presenting an award on behalf of This was another first for me, and an honour I won't soon forget.

More photos of the CWSF gala

The Canada-Wide Science Fair puts the value of science education across Canada on full display and it is a testament to the potential of our young and inquisitive students. Witnessing the passion and talent of these students further strengthens our commitment to developing ProjectBoard into a platform that nurtures this potential and showcases these innovative projects for not only Canada, but for anyone interested in STEM. If you ever get the chance to attend this incredible event, I wouldn't miss it for the world!

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